Working Papers
A Sense of Misreporting: A Study of Analysts’ Tone in Earnings Conference Calls
I investigate whether analysts’ tone during conference calls is associated with indicators of reporting quality, particularly with regard to misrepresented information and earnings management. My study clarifies that the general lack of findings related to analysts and reporting quality in the prior literature does not necessarily imply that analysts are unaware of the issues. Instead, my study helps to clarify that analysts do express concerns related to reporting quality, just in in a more nuanced manner than previously appreciated.
The Changing Nature of Analyst Forecasts
with Brian Rountree
The study documents a significant decline in the extent and frequency of the walk-down of analysts’ forecasts over time. Surprisingly, more than 40% of firms in our sample actually experience a walk-up, rather than a walk-down, by the end of the sample period. Additionally, the incentives put forth in the prior literature for analysts to systematically bias their initial forecasts have been almost entirely eliminated by the end of the sample period.
Idiosyncratic Earnings and Analyst Forecasts
with Miaodi Han, Andrew Jackson, and Brian Rountree
We examine how the degree of idiosyncratic information in a firm’s earnings affects analysts' forecasting behavior. We find that increases in idiosyncratic earnings are associated with decreases in accuracy and dispersion. Moreover, we find that analysts review Form 4 filings more frequently when firms have higher idiosyncratic earnings components and lack management guidance. However, with management guidance, analysts review Form 4 filings less frequently in the presence of high idiosyncratic earnings. The results reveal a complex relationship between analysts' information-seeking efforts and firms’ idiosyncratic earnings.
ESG Disclosures by International Firms: Real Effects on Their Supply Chain
with Patricia Naranjo
Decoding Analysts' Portfolio Choices: Information Complementarity and Performance
with Patricia Naranjo
The Evolving Impact of Twitter on Price Discovery in the Capital Market
with Brian Rountree, Shiva Sivaramakrishnan, and Sean Wang